Dinkar Jadhav, born in 1973 in the quaint town of Jhadavadi, Pune, has carved a unique artistic path for himself. He initially gained recognition with his ‘Ashwa Chitramala’ (The Horse series!), which was met with both success and admiration. Through countless hours of dedication, he revived his horse paintings, imbuing them with a new sense of vitality and later introducing a new element, the Bull. In his earlier works, intense emotions and fierce passion burst forth through vibrant colors and bold strokes on the canvas.
Now, Jadhav’s anguish has transformed into love, and his passion has evolved into a deep affection. His latest series, aptly named ‘Lust for Love,’ portrays couples of horses immersed in passionate love, capturing the essence of eternal romance. The colors are vibrant and self-assured, the brush strokes gentle yet confident, echoing the spirit of ‘carpe diem’ – seize the day! These paintings symbolize humanity’s relentless pursuit of the profound emotion called love.
In addition to horses, Jadhav has introduced bulls, representing muscularity and virility, into his portfolio. These bulls exude strength, confidence, and determination as they charge toward their dreams. This series reflects Jadhav’s heartfelt dedication and showcases his honest, enduring journey toward artistic excellence.
Group Shows
- 2023 M P Birla Millennium Art Gallery, London, UK
- 2022 The Lexicon Art, Allegory of Space, An exploration of forms, Architecture and Design, New Delhi
- 2021 Nehru Center Art Gallery, Mumbai.
- 2021 Jahangir Art Gallery, Mumbai
- 2018 Jahangir Art Gallery, Presented by Generation Art Foundation, Mumbai
- 2015 Academy Gallery, Calcutta
- 2015 Jankossen Contemporary Art Gallery, New York, USA
- 2015 www.Ashokjaingallery.com, New York, USA
- 2015 Eye for Art, Art Gallery, New York, USA
- 2015 Generation Art Foundation Presents at Edision N J – 08837, India Fair at America.
- 2015 Generation Art Foundation, Presents Coomarswamy Hall, Museum, Kala Ghoda, Mumbai
- 2013 India Art Fair, NSIC Exhibition Ground, Okhla Industrial Estate, New Delhi
- 2012 La Galleria Pall Mall, Royal Opera Arcade, London
- 2012 Roa, The Royal Opera Arcade Gallery, London
- 2010 “Triad” Contemporary Art of India, Loveland Museum / Gallery, USA
- 2010 Gallery joie, Presents, Leap, Visul arts Gallery, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.
- 2007 Faculty of Fine Arts, Baroda
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