Shrikant Kadam, a renowned artist from Pune, India, has an impressive artistic journey and educational background. Born in 1973, he holds multiple qualifications, including A.T.D. from Kalavishava Mahavidyalaya, Sangli in 1992, G.D. ART (PTG) from Abhinava Kala Mahavidyalaya, Pune in 1995, DIP.A.ED. from Sir J.J. School of Art, Mumbai in 1996, B.F.A. (PTG) from University of Pune in 2008, and M.F.A. (PTG) from University of Pune in 2010, all with outstanding achievements. Kadam is an elected member of the Bombay Art Society from 2015 to 2020, marking his prominence in the art community. He has received numerous awards and honors, including recognition from institutions like The Art Society of India, Mumbai, and prestigious prizes in various painting competitions. Additionally, he has been granted scholarships, including the Nag Foundation Scholarship, allowing him to explore his artistic talents internationally in Germany and France in 2006. Kadam's accolades and achievements underscore his exceptional talent and dedication in the field of art.
The artist's journey, evolving from realism to abstraction, finds its roots in the ever-changing beauty of nature. Inspired by seasonal textures, light, sounds, and vibrations, the artist delves into the mystique of the natural world. Constant exploration in nature serves as a spontaneous palette, fostering creativity and ingenuity. Each painting mirrors the vast expanse of the firmament, capturing the freedom of strokes and the essence of the artist's soul. Nature's unseen colors and surroundings inspire unique creations, guiding the artist's hand on canvas. The interplay of colors and shapes flows naturally, resulting in artworks that echo life's experiences, connecting to a divine and serene bliss. In this creative process, the artist discovers the formless nature, embracing self-realization and a deep sense of existence.
- Khushboo Art Gallery, Pune- 1997
- Gallery ‘Art Walk’ Hotel Oberai, Mumbai- 1999
- Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai- 2003, 2008, 2013, 2018
- Gallery Hussein, Pune- 2003
- Vaishwik Art Environment, Pune- 2004
- Gallery Art 2 day, Pune- 2007
- Suchitrra Art Gallery, Mumbai- 2008
- Pradarshak Art Gallery, Mumbai- 2008
- Studio Nepean Art Gallery, Mumbai- 2008
- Waves Art Gallery, Pune- 2009
- Airaawat Art Gallery, Mumbai- 2010
- 'Mystery of Colours', Art 2 Day Gallery, Pune- 2018
Gallery Artimediair, Holland- 1999
- Painting Exhibition - World Trade Center Jakarta, Indonesia- 2003
- Painting Exhibition - Posnya Seni Sambung, Yogakarta, Indonesia- 2003
- Kurtz art gallery, Germany- 2006
- ‘Contemporary Indian Art’ - London- 2007
- ‘Art and Soul of Deccan’- Art mosaic Gallery, Singapore- 2009
- 8th Annual New England Gala, Boston & 9th Annual Chicago Gala, Chicago supporter ofAmerican Indian Foundation (AIF) organized by Asian Art Gallery, Chennai-2014, 201
- 'Post Age'- Group show, Seoul, Korea- 2017
World Art Dubai, organized by Gallery Pioneer, Delhi- 2018
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