Hanumantha R Devulapalli

Hanumantha R Devulapalli

Devulapalli Hanumantha Rao, born on July 8, 1963, in Hyderabad, is a distinguished artist whose creative journey has been shaped by profound experiences and a deep exploration of meditation. With a Bachelor of Arts education, he has actively participated in around 60 group exhibitions and showcased his work in four solo shows across Hyderabad, Delhi, and Mumbai. 


Apart from his artistic pursuits, he is also engaged in activities related to agriculture, yoga, and meditation. Hanumantha eloquently expresses his creative process as a profound exploration of his inner experiences during moments of deep meditation. His artworks serve as interpretations of his quiet journey into a world of ecstasy and elation, capturing the imageries that reside in the far reaches of his mind. The process he employs is intense and intricate, involving layers of colors and lacerations on the canvas. Through this method, he stabilizes the constantly moving imageries in his mind, creating visual representations of his meditative states.

Rao's aim is to create art that not only pleases the eye but also has a calming effect on the mind. His works are designed to transport viewers into a meditative state, offering them a moment of tranquility and introspection. This intention is evident in the careful choice of colors, textures, and the overall composition of his artworks, all crafted to evoke a sense of peace and serenity.

Hanumantha’s current series, titled “VAISHVANARA: The Universal Self,” delves into the concept of attaining happiness and the energetic spirit associated with it, inviting viewers into a calming and meditative state of mind. The concept of "VAISHVANARA: The Universal Self" delves deeper, encouraging viewers to transcend the boundaries of material existence. It invites contemplation on the universal spirit, guiding the mind beyond ordinary objects, skies, and conceptual limitations. In this meditative exploration, the individual ceases to be a mere observer but becomes an integral part of the universal consciousness. Through this series, Rao not only paints visually captivating artworks but also fosters a contemplative space where viewers can explore their own relationship with happiness, energy, and the profound depths of the self.

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Hanumantha Rao Devulapalli HR Devulapalli 5
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Rs. 600,000.00
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Rs. 600,000.00
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